30th and 31st Know India Programme(KIP)
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Embassy of India

30th and 31st Know India Programme [KIP]

1. "Know India Programme" of the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs is a three-week orientation programme for diaspora youth conducted with a view to create awareness on different facets of life in India, including phenomenal transformation taking place in India and the progress made by the country in various fields e.g. economic, industrial, education, Science & Technology, Communication & Information Technology, culture, sports. KIP provide a unique platform for students & young professionals of Indian origin to visit India, share their views, expectations & experiences and to develop closer bonds with the contemporary India and interact with youth from different parts of the country. 4-5 such programmes are conducted every year in partnership with one or two State Governments.  Tentative programme of the 30th and 31st KIPs are as shown below:

KIP Edition

Proposed Tentative Period

Proposed Partner State

Proposed Last Date for receipt of nominations in the MOIA through Missions

30th KIP

23rd December, 2014 – 12 January, 2015


12th November, 2014

31st KIP

2nd January – 22nd January, 2015


30th November, 2014

Details guidelines and application form for these programmes may be accessed on MOIA website [www.moia.gov.in] or http://moia.gov.in

2. Criteria for applicants:
(i) Overseas Indians in the age group of 18-26 years who have distinguished themselves in any filed an have abiding interest in India/
(ii) Open to PIOs but NRIs are not eligible to apply for this programme.

3. Candidates who are selected would be required to purchase air ticket for their journey to India and back as per prescribed schedule. 90% of the total cost of air ticket [at lowest economy excursion fare] would be reimbursable to the participants on successful completion of the programme by them.

4. The content of the programme, inter alia, includes call on high dignitaries, which may include President of India, Chief Election Commissioner of India, Comptroller and Auditor General of India, and Ministers in-charge of Overseas Indian Affairs, Youth Affairs and Sports.

Interested applicants may write to Shri Roshan Lepcha or Shri Hemant Negi at itm.amman@mea.gov.in


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