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1. The Embassy of the Republic of India, Amman in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on 27th January 2015, organized the Inaugural Ceremony of the 65th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries at the Royal Cultural Center Amman.

2. His Royal Highness Prince Hassan and Her Royal Highness Princess Sarvath graced the occasion and inaugurated the event with a Photographic Exhibition that was themed on historic bilateral relations between the two countries and the Islamic monuments of India.

3. Later, H.E. Mr. Anil Trigunayat, the Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan delivered the welcome address highlighting the key aspects of bilateral relations between India and Jordan and informed the audiences about the various events that the embassy of India has planned for the year ahead.

4. His Royal Highness Prince Hassan further released a coffee table book on the bilateral relations of India and Jordan titled as India and Jordan; towards progress and prosperity.  HRH further addressed the gathering and emphasized on the significance of such events in reinforcing cross cultural linkages highlighting that teachings of Mahatma Gandhi are most relevant today.

5. Various cultural activities including a classical dance performance of Bharatnatyam and a bollywood movie titled Black were also showcased during the event.

28th January 2015

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