Curtain raiser for the International Day of Yoga in Jordan
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Embassy of India

Press Release

Sub: Curtain Raiser for the International Day of Yoga in Jordan.

   On 9th June 2015, the Embassy of India, Amman, in collaboration with the local Yoga partners organized a curtain raiser to mark the beginning of the celebrations of International Day of Yoga in Jordan.

   2. Various Jordanian and International media personnel were part of the event which emphasized on the celebrations of the International day of Yoga in Jordan on 21st of June 2015.

   3. Speaking at the event Ambassador Trigunayat briefed the audience about the significance of Yoga and the establishment of International Day of Yoga through and Indian resolution passed by an overwhelming majority in the United Nations General Assembly.

   4. On 10th June 2015, Ambassador Trigunayat also called on H.R.H. Princess Rym Ali to thank her for the patronage of The IDY-2015 and apprised her about the programme for the celebrations of the IDY on 21st June 2015.

June 10th, 2015

Ambassador Trigunayat during a meeting with H.R.H Princess Rym Ali of Jordan to discuss the celebrations of IDY-2015 under her patronage

Curtain raiser for IDY-2015 in Amman


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