e-IPO facility for payment of fee under the RTI Act, 2005
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e-IPO facility for payment of fee under the RTI Act, 2005

The Department of Personnel and Training and Department of Posts have launched a service called e-IPO (Electronic Indian Postal Order) to enable Indian Citizens abroad to purchase an Indian Postal Order electronically by paying fee on-line through e-Post Office Portal i.e. http://www.epostoffice.gov.in . This facility has been provided for Indian Citizens abroad to enable them to purchase a Postal Order electronically to seek information under the RTI Act, 2005.

2.    The User needs to get himself registered at the website. He has to select the Ministry/Department from whom he desires to seek the information under the RTI Act and the e-IPO so generated can be used to seek information from that Ministry/Department only. A printout of the e-IPO is required to be attached with the RTI application. If the RTI application is being filed electronically, e-IPO is required to be attached as an attachment.

3.    A link to e-Post Office Portal is  http://www.epostoffice.gov.in
Address: Jabal Amman,1st Circle, Postal Box 2168, Amman 11181, Jordan.

Working hours: 09:00 hrs to 17:30 hrs from Sunday to Thursday
Telephone Numbers: (00 962 6) 4622098/4637262
Fax : (00 962 6) 4611916
E-mail address: amb.amman@mea.gov.in
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