1. The Embassy of India in Amman (Jordan) invites sealed bids for the renovation of Kitchen at the residence of Ambassador. The works includes dismantling the old kitchen cabinets, shelves and other related plumbing etc. and install a new modular kitchen in consultation with this Embassy. Companies are also requested to propose design keeping in view the layout of the area and available kitchen equipment and appliances like cooking gas range, dishwasher, fridge, microwave etc. The work may also include adjustment of existing exhaust fan(s) or fixing new tiles and/or painting, after the installation of the modular kitchen is completed.
2. The work should be completed within 10 days after signing of the contract. Interested parties may forward their sealed quotations, on the letterhead of the company, to the Head of Chancery, Embassy of India, Amman (Jordan) at No.13, Amr Bin Masadah St., Jabal Amman, Circle 1, Amman (Jordan). [Tel No.+962-6-4622098 and 4657123: Fax No.+962-6-4611916; email: and]
3. Arrangements may be made for viewing the scope of work at the Embassy Residence by arranging prior appointment.
4. After examination of the bids by the committee of the Embassy of India, the lowest bid Party will be informed accordingly. The Embassy of India reserves the right to accept/reject any bid(s) without assigning reason(s). All bidders are requested to offer the prices by 25.07.2014
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