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Requirement of Gardener(s) for Embassy Residence and Chancery premises

 1.      The Embassy of India in Amman (Jordan) wishes to appoint Gardener(s) for maintaining Gardens at the residence of Ambassador and its Chancery premises. The scope of work included:

(i)      Maintaining, cleaning the garden on daily basis;
(ii)      Removing dead plants & grass, leaves on daily basis;
(iii)     Pruning/watering the indoor/outdoor plants, shrubs, trees etc.
(iv)     Planting of new flowers, plants as per directions of the Embassy;
(v)     Use of consumable items like organic/inorganic fertilizers,         insecticides/pesticides on need basis; and
(vi)     All other necessary work related to proper maintenance of garden        and adjacent areas.

2.       Sealed bids are therefore invited from the companies interested in supplying qualified Gardeners or undertaking maintenance of Garden work along with references, if possible.

3.       The work is required to be start on immediate basis after the signing of contract which will be valid for three years.  Interested parties may forward their sealed quotations to the Head of Chancery, Embassy of India, Amman (Jordan) at No.13, Amr Bin Masadah St., Jabal Amman, Circle 1, Amman (Jordan).  [Tel No.+962-6-4622098 and 4657123: Fax No.+962-6-4611916; email: hoc.amman@mea.gov.in and admin.amman@mea.gov.in]

4.       Arrangements may be made for viewing the scope of work at Chancery and the Embassy Residence by arranging prior appointment.

5.       After examination of the bids by the committee of the Embassy of India, the lowest bid Party will be informed accordingly.  The Embassy of India reserves the right to accept/reject any bid(s) without assigning reason(s).  All bidders are requested to offer the prices by 25.07.2014




Address: Jabal Amman,1st Circle, Postal Box 2168, Amman 11181, Jordan.

Working hours: 09:00 hrs to 17:30 hrs from Sunday to Thursday
Telephone Numbers: (00 962 6) 4622098/4637262
Fax : (00 962 6) 4611916
E-mail address: amb.amman@mea.gov.in
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